Kind Attn: Directors /Partners,
As you must be aware that AEO Customs Accreditation Programme (AEO-T1 / T2) has been launched by Indian Customs to give AEO certification status to Importers and Exporters. The Govt. is going to make it mandatory now hence it is advisable to have AEO at the earliest so avoid any adverse business scenario for your organization.
Major criteria of AEO Programme are
a) Customs and other statutory & regulatory Compliances by your company,
b) Financial solvency of the company (Three years of balance sheet)
c) Security_and safety compliances of the company (Security_like Premises, IT,
HR, Cargo, Conveyance etc.)
1. Facility of Direct Port Delivery (DPD) of import Containers and/ or Direct Port Entry (DPE) of Export Containers for Importer / Exporter
2. Facility of deferred payment of duty (You can clear the import cargo and make the duty payment later)
3. The BEs/SBs selected for Assessment and/or Examination_will be processed on priority by the Customs officers
4. Exemption of Bank_Guarantee (50% for T1 and 25% for T2)
5. Post Clearance Audit (PCA) not regular (once in two / three years now)
6. Advance Authorization for Exporter for Additional Inputs
7. Waiver of seal verification / Scrutiny of documents by Customs Officer
8. Facility of self -sealing of export goods
9. Facility to paste MRP stickers in your premises
10. Appointment_of Customs_CRM for your company for handling of any issues / refund/ investigations on priority etc.
11. 24/7 clearances on request at all sea ports and airports – No Merchant Overtime Fee (MOT) charges need to be paid
12. Any few more
We have helped many Importers and Exporters in obtaining AEO Certification.
If you want to hold any personal meeting with us to understand more, you may call u. Please feel free to call the undersigned for more information.
We also help companies in obtaining various ISO Certifications and also AMC audit support services for ISO certified companies.
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