| Major verticals | | Auto Components | Engineering | Retail Distribution | Pharma | Chemicals | Trading Mining | Food Processing | Jute | Apparel Sugar | Textile | Electronics | Services | | | Contact us at : North Zone: 9810470893 West Zone: 9867021941 | East Zone: 9831747535 South Zone: 9324087980 | | | | The latest version of ebizframe comes loaded with Breakthrough-never–before features | | | | Works on all devices including mobiles/tabs. | | Highly Configurable. Can be very easily adapted to your specific Business practices. Helps in quick adoption of the ERP amongst Users. | | | | Drives Users by identifying crucial actionables. Dashboard analytics provide incisive operational insights enabling effective decision making | | User defined workflows allow you to define custom workflows with move, jump and exit points | | | | Can be deployed on Cloud or on your Servers | | Built on the latest trends in technology - SOA Architecture assures you of protection of your investment for a long time | | | | Possible to import transactions of last years from your existing software like Tally. Saves time, hassles and assures continuity | | Highly user-friendly and intuitive design. Template based approach Eases Data Entry significantly | | | | Multi-company, Multi-location, Multi-lingual. Allows Drill downs and Consolidations. | | | | |
MX-ERP is a powerful Enterprise Resource Planning solution provided by ACGIL, a leading ERP development company in India. Customized MX-ERP is a complete software package for manufacturing, construction, retail, distribution, trading industries, etc. to streamline all the activities of a business.
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